September 1, 2008

Hurricane Gustav ; Florida

Hi all! Gustav kicked up some interesting stuff for us here in Florida! For example, the most flat water in America here on the west coast was actually surf-able! I really had fun with these photos. I shot Aug 31st and Sept 1st. Sunday night when we were out was rainy, so I had to walk around sportin the camera under my shirt trying to keep it as dry as possible while shooting still:) Monday, Sun was bright and shiny..just ask my skin.. Hope you all stayed dry and safe during the storm and to those who were effected by the storm, I send my thoughts and prayers.

Many Blessings and Smiles!

I just met this family, they were having SO much fun! I got the pleasure of snapping the next two photos for them.

This little guy was sooo cute! He kept straying from his family and all he wanted to do was mow him some water...he was fun to watch, I had to capture him!

Meet Rachel, My future Mother-in-Law. Shes just started photographing and got some really awesome shots during her shoot you see here! She's so cute isnt she?!

I did mention how fun this shoot was didnt I? Just ask this lil guy..just floatin along, no cares in the world...

This last pictures are of my fiance, Zach..He had to get out here and take advantage of the one time we have a swell of any him!!


Anonymous said...

CARLY!! BEAUTIFUL thats all there is to it!!

Love You!!

Anonymous said...

In the picture of the clouds, I swear I can see a heart. Maybe it was for you and Zach...a match made in heaven (: Great work, Love, absolutely great work!!!!