Being that I dont have kids, my life belongs to my three puppies, or to you, dogs..:) I have been their very proud mommy for four and five years and have seen so much with them that it definately isnt or the weak. Please allow me to introduce them....:)
Meet Brooklynn. Shes the first of my three at five born in March. She was described as being a blackmouth curr/beagle mix on her adoption papers but after a few trips to the dog track, im convinced she's mixed greyhound somehow. You'd say the very same if you saw her at the dog park! Man this girl can run! Well, I adopted her at 6 weeks old from a private foster family and shes been with me ever since. She loves having my un-devided attention and sleeps under my bed, and has since she was a puppy.You can usually find her laying in very odd positions and is very gentle and sweet! I want to point out right now that she HATES being in front of the camera, unlike my Rotties, so these two pics are the only ones I have of her right now.
The Rottie mix you see in the picture above is my middle, REBELLIOUS, sassy girl, Roxy. She was adopted from the SPCA in Pasco County to keep Brooklynn company. Roxy was VERY aggressive when I first adopted her. Biting me several times and even attacking Brooklynn but thankfully after 4 years of having her, shes sweet and very vocal. If she doesnt like something, she will growl and sometimes people think she will bite but shes WELL over that stage..she just uses it to communicate and would never hurt a fly. I love that about her. Shes 5 and born in February, one month before Brooklynn.She HATES to be woken up in the morning and is always the last one outside and the first one wanting in. She was diagnosed with a rare disease called Addisons disease when she was only a year and a half old and is confined to medication to stay alive. She takes 4 pills daily to recieve the sugar and mineral hormones that her adrenal gland lacks. (thats the Addisons) Shes a fighter and has been down a rough path but she's my Roxy girl and I wouldnt change a minute of the time I have had with her.
Last but NOT least, My lil man, Nylo. He was brought into my world at the tender age of 3 1/2 weeks old! I had TONS on my plate with him being so young but he was worth every second! He's definately the baby of the bunch, but he is the baby in age also. He's 4 as of June, sharing the same birthday as my mom:) He's my little Parvo survivor. If you are unfamiliar with the Parvo Virus, Google it. Its horrifying and deadly, to say the least. He made it through by the grace of God and now is built like a little Ox. He's mixed Rottie/Lab like Roxy is, but he kept his distinct markings, whereas Roxy lost hers when she got sick:( He sleeps on my bed EVERY NIGHT and if you kick him down, he will run to the other side of the bed and hop up there, trying to be sly. I brought him literally everywhere with me from work to the casino when he was little so he thinks he's still tiny.He's a total Ham in front of the camera, he eats it you will notice there are more pics of him... ENJOY!
Its so amazing, the knowledge these dogs have, the emotion they show, and the changes they make every day. I love being their keeper and cherish every last moment I have with them, for life is short. They are so well behaved, for I have worked so hard with them. Thanks for taking the time to learn a little about them. I hope you've enjoyed the pics, with a tiny heart-filled story:)
You captured Brooklyn's innocent charm so well! And I love the way that you captured Roxy's soft, feminine charactherists along with Nylo's stout, male characteristics. You did a great job of capturing each of them in their own light!
I really enjoyed that!
They are so lucky to have such a loving and proud mama :) and they know it! Good Job on your blog.
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