February 11, 2011

Thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts

Oh Happy Friday guys! Its chilly, cloudy, and just one of those days to be in your jammies, with some light music in the background, sipping a nice cup of hot vanilla coffee with creme brulee creamer, right? Sure, you'd think, but now add a huge stress to that.

Recently, I found a lump in my right breast, and I've been petrified since. I've gone to the Dr, the Radiologist and just awaiting the specialist. Let me just say for the record women, we have it pretty tough. I  had my first mammogram today, and I am not at all excited to have another, although being a young woman, I will be facing the inevitable. My mother in law shared with me that my husbands grandmother recalls her mammogram "like a bowl being crushed into a saucer" and that couldn't be more true. OUCHIE!! So, I've had my ultrasound and mammogram and am awaiting the results to go see the specialist. Im sure its nothing, but being cautious is never a bad thing. I would much rather be safe than sorry. Going through this kind of stuff is nerve-wrecking and scary, but I often envision the family and friends I have and how they would feel if I didn't tend to this potential issue and had something tragic happen to me. So, guys, this is for you...

On a much lighter note, Its the start of the weekend guys! Saturday, for me, is going to be a mighty fine day. I'm shooting a wedding at an amazing venue (Lange Farms) and will be editing them for the first time on my new MAC:) My "transformer", as I call it, and I will be playing our Enya radio (ok secrets out) and editing away while my hubs, and his fellow Chimera-ians are in Orlando showing off their amazing car up for auction at Barrett-Jackson to benefit the Faine House Charity, hosted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' Center, Jeff Faine. A charity that is near and dear to his heart.  I have very high hopes for this car as its being backed by some great people, built by my husband and Chimera Customs (biased, I know) and going for an amazing cause.  So where was I again, ah, editing.. Yes,  I listen to Enya Radio on pandora while I edit..DONT LAUGH..it calms me down. I'm high strung, what can I say, its ME! Im passionate, quirky and WOUND TIGHT...Still workin on that:)

So, I just wanted to share briefly with you all whats going on in my life, say hello to you all as I LOVE SO MUCH the clients I have, MANY of which, becoming friends. I cherish what I do so much I just simply can not put into words! I know many of you have heard me say, "its not about the $, its about the joy on my clients faces when they see their photos". Its true..it really is.. Im a sucker for my clients. As long as I have you all, I will be rolling right along!

Hugs guys! Goin to pour another cup of coffee (oh I got a lens mug!! YAY! )

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Whatever the outcome is on Tuesday I KNOW you will be fine, you're a strong person and you have awesome friends and family(: I LOVE YOU CAR!!!